How to Get an IFSC Code for Your Savings Account

An IFSC code is an 11-digit code that identifies a particular bank branch for the purpose of online money transfers. The code is used by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to route NEFT and RTGS transactions to the correct bank branch. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to find your IFSC code and what to do with it once you have it.

What is an IFSC Code?

An IFSC code is an 11-digit code that identifies a bank branch for the purpose of electronic funds transfer. The code consists of five characters – the first four characters identify the bank, and the last six characters identify the specific branch of that bank.

The purpose of an IFSC code is to ensure that electronic payments are routed correctly and quickly to the intended recipient. In India, IFSC codes are used for all interbank transactions, including NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transfers.

IFSC codes are also sometimes referred to as SWIFT codes. However, while both IFSC and SWIFT codes are used for international money transfers, they serve different purposes. SWIFT codes are used to identify banks when sending or receiving international wire transfers, whereas IFSC codes are only used for domestic transfers within India.

How to Get an IFSC Code for Your Savings Account.

You can find your IFSC code on your bank statement or passbook, or you can contact your bank branch directly.

What to Do With Your IFSC Code.

Your IFSC code is necessary for making online transactions, such as NEFT or RTGS transfers. When you initiate a transfer, you will be prompted to enter the IFSC code of the beneficiary’s bank branch.

Tips for Using an IFSC Code.

Your IFSC code is an important piece of information that you will need in order to transfer money into or out of your savings account. Be sure to keep it in a safe place and do not share it with anyone who does not absolutely need to know it.

Check for Updates Regularly.

The IFSC code for your savings account may change from time to time, so be sure to check for updates regularly. You can usually find the most up-to-date information on your bank’s website or by contacting customer service.


If you have a savings account in India, then you need an IFSC code. This code is used to identify the bank and branch where your account is located. You can find your IFSC code on your bank statement or passbook, or you can ask your bank for it. Once you have your IFSC code, you can use it to make online payments or transfers. When using an IFSC code, be sure to keep it safe and check for updates regularly.

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